General rates
Prices / night / room / 2 adults
Seasonality  Meal  Double StandardEgreta, Stârcul Alb & Pelicanulprice/night/room/2 adults Apartmentin bungalow Pelicanul, Stârcul Albprice/night/room/2 adults
Anonimul Mic dejun
Sunday - Thursday:875RON
Friday - Saturday:925RON
Sunday - Thursday:950RON
Friday - Saturday:1000RON
5 july - 31 august 2024
(exc Anonimul)
Mic dejun
Sunday - Thursday:820RON
Friday - Saturday:870RON
Sunday - Thursday:895RON
Friday - Saturday:945RON
31 may - 4 july
1 - 29 september 2024
Mic dejun
Sunday - Thursday:755RON
Friday - Saturday:805RON
Sunday - Thursday:830RON
Friday - Saturday:880RON
26 april - 30 may
30 september -22 octomber 2024
Mic dejun
Sunday - Thursday:600RON
Friday - Saturday:650RON
Sunday - Thursday:675RON
Friday - Saturday:725RON
The double room is a matrimonial or twin room. The 1-bedroom apartment is formed of a double room on the top floor and a living room on the ground floor.
The 2-bedroom apartment is formed of 2 double rooms on the top floor and a living room on the ground floor.
The living room in the apartments is provided with a cane couch. It is NOT an extensible couch.
The rate difference results from the distance from Stârcul Alb/Egreta to the Lebăda and Pelicanul Area, where the reception desk, Waterlily Restaurant, Cinema Paradiso, Turtle Kids Club and Lotus Spa are located. All the accommodation spaces have the same facilities.
• The rates of the vacation packages include: VAT, the specified meals, access to Cinema Paradiso, Lotus Spa and Turtle Kids Club.
• The rates are expressed in EUR and they will be invoiced in their RON value, according to the NBR exchange rate.
• The rates of the vacation packages do not include the access tax for the Danube Delta. The access tax for the Danube Delta is RON 5/person/day, RON 15/person/week or RON 30/person/year.
• The access tax does not apply to children, students, senior citizens, war veterans, former political prisoners or inheritors of martyrs and people wounded in the December 1989 Revolution.
• The access permits for the Reservation can be purchased from the Green Village Resort reception desk, the headquarters of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (D.D.B.R.A.), the info points or they can be paid by postal order or bank transfer to the D.D.B.R.A. account RO56TREZ6415003xxx003884, open at the Tulcea Treasury, beneficiary: D.D.B.R.A. Tulcea, Tax code: 3722040, with the mentioning “access tax for people and (person name)”.

Your first visit to GreenVillage can start right here by going to the virtual tour.

Discover the main areas, the restaurant, the brasserie, the pool and the SPA!

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